Applied Sciences

From black powder to fresh powder

Brand Refresh, Logo + Visual Identity, Secondary Brand Identities, Brand Messaging, Website Design

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Applied Sciences was an industry leader in creating nanomaterials for NASA, the US government/military, etc. But, they saw a major opportunity in consumer goods—specifically, outdoor gear and even more specifically alpine sports like snowboarding and skiing. Secondarily, markets like electronics, automobiles, and power tools were of interest. The driving force of the brand refresh was to help them break into the alpine adventure world while retaining credibility with aerospace and government clients. Applied Sciences had been truncating its brand name to "ASI." They were missing out on their more descriptive version of the name. The previous identity was dated and did not connect with the household-name consumer products in the electronics, automobiles, power tools, and outdoor/adventure gear spaces that they were targeting. We solved this in a meaningful and future-thinking way.


Ultimately, the brand and marketing efforts helped Applied Sciences do what it set out to do. Break into the outdoor gear market by working with Prior Snow and producing the first nanomaterial-based snowboard. Since launching the first aerospace-level snowboard, Applied Sciences has also broken into other consumer markets using the brand refresh.

Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences

Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences

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"Applied Sciences was ready to break into new markets. But, our brand was not in a place to attract or relate to the top consumer brands we wanted to help with our patented nanomaterials. Sharpe Creative worked with us to develop a brand position and identity that allows us to attract, confidently meet with, and secure deals in the new markets we are targeting. Sharpe Creative has been our creative partner in the process and has been able to deliver agency-level creative work at a cost that makes more sense for a smaller, more agile business like ours."

Patrick Lake
Vide President